
总结平静之道 Summary

发布时间:2023-06-10 16:51:30作者:金刚经注音网

  Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

  2-2. The Path of Peace 平静之道

  2-2-2. Summary 总结平静之道

  Once more, I'll summarize the principles of practice in short:


  1. The first stage is to catch the movements of the body in all the postures. When we can catch them, we will know the convention that we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands. This is objective, external.

  1. 修行第一阶段是要觉知到我们身体行住坐卧时的一切动作,当我们能觉知到它们,我们就能知道世间法,也就是我们眼睛看得见、手摸得到的这些东西,这些是客体的、外在的。

  2. Having practiced the first stage, a little bit of knowledge arises, it is called defilements due to Vipassana. It is important to avoid this, not being too glad with the knowing, and continuing to watch the mind, when we see, know and understand our minds penetratingly, greed, hatred and delusion will be destroyed to some extent.

  2. 练习过第一个阶段后,会生起一点智慧,但是我们称之为修习毘婆舍那的染污。因此很重要的一点是要放下它,不要因为有这种知解智慧而变得太高兴,要继续看心。当我们持续深入去看见、知道与了解我们的心,就能消除某种程度的贪瞋痴。

  3. When greed, hatred and delusion have gone down a bit, we'll feel joyfulness. When joy arises, fix on it, but don't be caught up in joy. We have to pull ourselves out of it. Keep watching the mind. At this stage, wisdom-knowledge will appear that destroys or diminishes clinging and grasping.

  3. 当贪瞋痴减少了一点,我们会感到欢喜。当喜悦生起时,要觉知它,而不要沈迷在那种喜悦当中,我们必须把自己从中给拉出来,继续看心。在这阶段,会生起智慧,灭除我们内心的执取。

  4. When attachment has decreased, one will see, know and understand normality: the body is normal, speech is normal and the mind is normal. This is normality is called virtue-concentration-wisdom.

  4. 当执着减少了,我们就能看见、知道并了解「平常心(normality)」:身回复平常,言语回复平常,心也回复平常,这就是平常心,也叫做“戒-定-慧(virtue-concentration-wisdom)”(注:意即平常心即戒、即定、即慧,即一即三,即三即一)。

  5. When seeing the state of arising/passing, if one doesn't understand it, one will hold an abnormal view, but if one is fully aware, practice reaches its end.


  5. 当见到自心生灭的状态(the state of arising/passing)时,如果我们不了解的话,就会执取某些错误的知见,反之,如果我们觉性圆满完全了解的话,修行就达到终极目标了。

  Therefore, I encourage you to try to practice until you meet with you own thoughts and are able to pull yourself out of them.




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