
断烦恼执着的阶位:二禅 The stage of destroying clinging : the

发布时间:2023-06-13 15:14:00作者:金刚经注音网

  Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

  2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段

  2-3-4. WORKING WITH THE MIND第二阶段:对治自心修习阶段 (或看念头(心)修习阶段)

  2-3-4-2. The stage of destroying clinging : the second Jhana 断烦恼执着的阶位:二禅


  At this point, when I knew this, a shift in my mind occured 2 times, I was doing walking-meditation at the time ; it was in the early evening ; I had taken a bath already and was ready to go chanting. Suppose my body weighted 100 kilos ; at that time 60 kilos dropped off me. Let me speak plainly and say that I've destroyed greed, hatred and delusion. I'll give you another comparison : it's just like a leech that sticks on you ; no matter how we try to pull it off, it won't come off. But now, instead of taking hold of the leech, we just mix some tabacco and lime together and having dipped it in water, we squeeze it onto the leech. The leech will come off easily because it can't stand this mixture. Or it's like boiling water and rubbing it on skin : it becomes white and the germs die. For this reason, I dare to guarantee the teachings of the Buddha.

  当我了悟这点(名-色, 即无贪瞋痴,唯受想行识)时,我心中(第二次)发生了两层的转变(他练习自己方法的第三天傍晚)。第一层转变发生时是傍晚,我洗过了澡,准备去做晚课前,那时我正在经行。坦白跟你们说:我破除了“贪瞋痴烦恼”的疑惑!!打个比方,假设我的身体是一百公斤重,当时我感觉像是甩掉了六十公斤。再举另外两个比喻来说:那就像一只水蛭吸着在你身上,不管我们怎么用力去把它拔掉,就是拔它不掉。但现在我们不去拔它,只去拿香烟和石灰混一混,沾一下水,再把水挤压在水蛭身上,水蛭(喻贪瞋痴)就会轻易地脱落,因为它受不了这个混合液(喻觉性)。那又像滚烫的水(喻觉性)擦在皮肤上,皮肤立刻变白而细菌(喻贪瞋痴)也会被烫死。因为这样,所以我敢保证佛陀的教导。

  Then, as I was walking up and down, a thought came up, just like scooping water on the field : the water gushes out fast and swiftly goes down ; it feels like it goes down in a flash. Now, I had awareness on another level, it seemed like it was perfect and I understood what clinging is. I really knew it, defilement, craving, clinging and intentional action, I really knew it, at that moment.


  There was a shift in my mind a second time ; on understanding those things, they became insipid, tasteless. Just like dipping cotton-wool in water and sqeezing the water out. I truly realized this, I'm speaking honestly, I really know this, this is the result I got !


  As for the cause : don't be lazy, really determine to practice and develop awareness continuously ; then, what I've been saying will happen by itself. If it's not like that, then it's not right.




  When I knew this, I understood the defilements due to Vipassana. At the time that I was under the influence of those defilements, I knew this and that until I had a headache, but I didn't know that it was defilement due to Vipassana. I saw numbers and knew a countless number of things because I didn't see thought, didn't see the mind, didn't see my life. But when I saw thought, saw the mind and saw life, I knew that knowing all those things until my head ached, was knowledge coming from defilements due to Vipassana. Knowing this, I understood the value of being a Noble one. A Noble one is an excellent one. A stream-enterer, a once-returner, I really know, I knew at that instant. This is called the first and second Jhana. According to the scriptures the first Jhana destroys deluded views ; that is, it destroys greed, destroys hatred and destroys delusion. The second Jhana destroys clinging ; that is, it destroys defilements, craving, clinging and Kamma. At first I didn't know ; when I realized Rupa-Nama, I thought that I'd got the first Jhana, but in fact it wasn't so. One can't deny it altogether because Rupa-Nama is right but it's only the outer bark.



  At this point, I was caught in analytical knowledge but I didn't know what analytical knowledge was and I didn't know what abnormal views were either - I only knew the defilements due to Vipassana. When I was caught in analytical knowledge, joy arose in me : wow, I was happy, at ease and felt light all over - this is where I got stuck. While doing walking-meditation, I felt as if I was floating ; wherever I went, I was as light as a feather, feeling relaxed and at ease. I could clearly see moods ; whatever somebody might say, I would not get angry ; there was no anger, there was no greed, there was no delusion. Awareness was so quick : snap ! it could keep up with thought. Just like a cat and a mouse. You listeners have to do it this way in order to get out of the power of thought ; when a thought comes : snap, it is seen.


  When it was like this, in the evening, I did walking-meditation and when it was time, I went to sleep. In the morning, I experienced another 2 shifts in my mind. What I'm saying is really true ! The cause of it is developing awareness, having awareness, not talking and chatting ; I didn't chitchat with this and that person ; I did my duty. When I was practicing, there were 23 monks and 5 laypeople, they all knew something different, but what I knew was not like their knowledge. I don't know what they were talking about but nobody talked like I did. Some monks ordained for 30 years but didn't get anything, they were only interested in repairing their huts which wasn't necessary at all ; it's better to really determine to practice. Those who were busy repairing this and fixing up that, didn't develop awareness regularly, so they didn't see their own thoughts, they were lacking in awareness.




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