
果报:出世间 The Result Is To Be Beyond The World

发布时间:2023-06-14 17:54:57作者:金刚经注音网


  Let me emphasize with sincerity and insight that the Buddha teaches that whoever sees the Dhamma, sees Me. It means to see oneself, to see one's own mind, the Dhamma is oneself ! Seeing oneself acting, speaking and thinking is called seeing me. Seeing the mind itself goes even deeper, understand it like that. If you understand differently from this, it is not right view in the Buddhist's fashion. We're looking at the mind in order to see that sometimes our minds get caught up in thought. When being caught up in thought, it proliferates continuously.

  What the Buddha teaches is that when seeing thought or when thinking, to abandon the thoughts and establish awareness to watch it, this is called VIJJA or wisdom.

  我要再以真实及慧见强调一次——佛陀教导我们:「见『法』者即是『见我』。(注)」意思就是要「看见自己,看见自己的心。」所谓『法』就是自己(而不是自己以外的外在之物)!看见自己的动作、言语及起心动念(即身、口、意的行为动作)就叫做『见我』。所以,要看见心自己(Seeing the mind itself)并探究其深层的实相,这句话必须这样理解才行。如果你的理解有所不同,那就不是佛教的正见之流。我们之所以要看见自心是为了要看到(明了)我们的心有时被念头抓住(即心陷入念头之中无法自拔)。一旦卷入念头之中,就会不停地增生扩散。佛陀教导的是:当看见念头或当思惟的时候,放下念头并「保持觉性看着它」,这就叫做VIJJA(明)或智慧。



  As for the word AVIJJA, it translates as ignorance, but ignorance here, doesn't mean not knowing how to eat or bathe, it's not that kind of not knowing, that is another matter, not this matter. This word AVIJJA refers to not recognizing the origin of suffering. The Buddha teaches like this : AVIJJA is the condition for formations to arise, formations are the conditions for conciousness, conciousness conditions mentality/materiality, mentality/materiality condition the 6 senses, the 6 senses condition contact, contact conditions feeling, feeling conditions craving, conditions clinging, conditions being, conditions birth, conditions old age and death, conditions suffering. It rotates to be a circle. This is dependent origination or PATICCASAMOPPADA.


  Now, we'll look at it from another side : VIJJA translates as knowing. One might raise the question : knowing what ? Well, knowing thought ! When a thought comes up, whack, the thought is seen or trapped! Just like a cat and a mouse. The heart of it is, when we see our own thoughts, they will come to a halt and don't proliferate further, this is called VIJJA. But when thought is cooking up this and that, it is because we are caught up in thought, it is thinking with AVIJJA. But the other way is the method to extinguish suffering. The Buddha teaches us to know the method to extinguish suffering and the origin of suffering. Destroy the source of suffering. Someone who can't destroy it, is like someone afraid of death. But if someone can put out suffering, he or she is called by the Buddha someone who is beyond the world. Beyond the world here, doesn't mean up in the sky, in heaven or something like that but it means to be above roods, beyond suffering. Suffering cannot bother us, we work without having suffering.We are above moods but we can listen to anybody talking, whether what they say is right or wrong. We can listen and the work we do, we do it according to duty ; this is called someone beyond the world.



  Our Buddha is an Arahant, Enlightened, capable of extinguishing defilements and suffering but He would still walk and eat just like us. But we ourselves misunderstand and think that someone without defilements is not like this or we think that money and cars are defilements.This is wrong understanding. We'll have to accept that a dilligent person who knows how to save and accumulate, can have money or a car but it is not as if a lazy person who doesn't have anything is without defilements. It's not like that. A lazy person is not a good person, neither is a person who has little but spends a lot. The Buddha teaches all people to be dilligent, He talks about KHANTI - patience, and SORACCA - modesty. He teaches to find and look after money, but not having it to go and play. He teaches from all angles, also to avoid evil paths, as we probably know. The evil paths are the entrance to ruin and destruction.




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