
见法 Seeing The Dhamma

发布时间:2023-02-19 16:21:27作者:金刚经注音网


  When we practice meditation and see colours, lights, ghosts and angels, this is a mistake. The Buddha teaches that whoever sees the Dhamma, sees the Buddha, whoever does not see the Dhamma, does not see the the Buddha, even taking hold of the Buddha's robe or His finger, is not reckoned as one who sees the Dhamma and the Buddha. This is a principle that should be understood properly, so one doesn't practice wrongly and one recieves the result of really seeing the Dhamma.


  People these days, some go and practice meditation and think that seeing a crystal ball is to see the Dhamma. Whatever method it may be, they try to see a floating crystal ball. At my home village lives a teacher who tried out meditation. Having sat down, he saw a crystal ball floating into his chest, that's what he said. This shows that he didn't understand how and why to practice meditation.


  Another man was well educated and worked for a government enterprise, he went to practice at a monastery. He'd been doing it for 11 years. I asked him : 'What did you get from it and how do you do it ?'. He explained that he would sit cross-legged, with his eyes closed and recite Bud-dho Bud-dho, then the crystal ball came floating over. I asked him : 'Did you see it every time ?'. 'Sometimes only' he said, 'It's called a sign'. I said : 'What sign ?It's an illusion !'.


  What sort of meditation is that, not seeing one's mind but seeing a crystal ball ? And so I suggested to try out the following : He had with him a suitcase and a pair of glasses, as soon as he had sat cross-legged and had his eyes closed, I moved his suitcase and glasses to another place, having finished that I told him to open his eyes. I asked him : 'What happened to your suitcase ?'. He said he didn't know. 'And what about your glasses ?'.

  That, he didn't know either. So I asked him : 'Well then, is this way of practicing advantageous or disadvantageous ?'. He said : 'It does have disadvantages, things disappear'. This man, at that time, had a salary of more than 10.000 baht, I think he had a University degree. In the world, people with a degree like that are considered to have knowledge but he still didn't understand how to make meditation useful. The method of practice with the eyes open, that I teach, can be done anytime. Whoever passes is seen. The mind that thinks is known and seen. That is how I understand it.


  As far as signs are concerned, it is the same : a sign is a mark or symbol, or something that perception knows, how it is perceived : well perceive it with awareness, catch the feeling of it. Like raising the hand and feeling it, that is a sign. When a thought comes up, one knows and sees it, this is called a sign.


  As for people who do sitting meditation and want to see crystal balls or Buddha images, but don't see their own minds : when the mind suddenly thinks, they don't see it, sitting right here but the mind is all over the place – practicing like that is not useful, it is illusion. I dare to guarantee that meditation with eyes open can be used while working, no matter what you're doing. The mind thinks or cheats and we know it. When people come to sneak or steal something, we know it. When suffering arises we don't latch on to it. When the mind wants to get happiness, we know it to be not the right way of thinking ; today's happiness is tomorrow's suffering, that's how it is.



  So we have to see the Dhamma within ourselves, not seeing a Buddha statue or image, it's not like that, the Buddha died a long time ago !

  If that is right, then who is the Buddha, who is the real Buddha ? The Buddha is the state of cleanliness, brightness and peace. Clean means normality of mind without stains. Bright means knowing and seeing the feelings and thoughts arising in one's own mind. Peace means that the mind is without thoughts of greed, hatred and delusion. Thoughts of greed, hatred and delusion are suffering. Therefore the Buddha teaches that it is only suffering that arises, suffering that establishes itself and suffering that passes away.

  So in practicing meditation and seeing the Dhamma, we have to see our very own thinking, not seeing lights, colours, ghosts and angels.




  • 初识佛法

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