
了悟平常心:三禅 Normality : t

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段  2-3-4. WORKING WITH THE MIND第二阶段:对治自心修习阶段 (或看念头(心)修习阶段)  2-3-4-3. Normality : the third Jhana 了悟平常心:三禅 ...
了悟平常心:三禅 Normality : t


1-3-4. SET OUT TO WORK RIGHTLY, BY YOURSELF以自为依?如法而行(自依?法依)In making our minds peaceful of this nature, we cannot rely on anybody to help out. You can't 'depend on ghosts or angels. Ghosts and angels can't help to ...

修学阶段 Stages of Practice

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段...
修学阶段 Stages of Practice

具德者的宝藏 The Treasure Of A Per

1-1-6. THE TREASURE OF A PERSON WITH MERIT具德者的宝藏A person with virtue and merit sees all things clearly, according to reality. He or she sees a person as a person, sees an animal as an animal, sees a wife as a wife, sees a child as a child...
具德者的宝藏 The Treasure Of A Per

凡与圣 Ordinary Beings and Noble Ones

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段  2-3-6. ALL TREASURES ARE WITHIN : BE ABLE TO SORT THEM OUT 本有家珍?犹欠筛在  2-3-6-1. Ordinary Beings and Noble Ones 凡与圣  (GHOSTS AND ANGELS 鬼...
凡与圣 Ordinary Beings and Noble Ones

善人与恶人 Virtuous People - Evil P

1-1-3. VIRTUOUS PEOPLE - EVIL PEOPLE善人与恶人Virtue doesn't mean the 5, 8, 10 or 227 precepts because that is the morality of society. Virtue here, has only just one single precept that one must really seriously care for ; to look after the...
善人与恶人 Virtuous People - Evil P

善果现起 The Outflow Of Good Result

1-3. THE OUTFLOW OF GOOD RESULT善果现起I recieved an invitation from the director and group of doctors of the hospital in Korngaan to give a Dhammatalk about the results of caring for and helping the sick due to traffic accidents. Bless you and l...
善果现起 The Outflow Of Good Result

圣眼与圣耳 Divine Eye - Divine Ear

1-1-4. DIVINE EYE - DIVINE EAR圣眼与圣耳What I said at the beginning, that the Buddha teaches us to have the divine eye and ear means the eye and ear that are able to see and hear what appears out of not-knowing i.e. greed, hatred & delusion tha...
圣眼与圣耳 Divine Eye - Divine Ear

地狱、天堂、涅槃 Hell , Heaven ,

1-1-2. HELL , HEAVEN , NIBBANA地狱、天堂、涅槃Everybody wants to go to heaven isn't it ? I'll point out the doors of heaven: the first door is the eye, the eye that sees beautiful forms, and like and satisfaction arise. The second doo...
地狱、天堂、涅槃 Hell , Heaven ,

培养觉知·生起智慧 Developing Aw

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-1. Taking a Shortcut 直取快捷方式  2-1-2. Developing Awareness Gives Rise to Wisdom 培养觉知?生起智慧  Talking from my experience, it is not necessary to sit with the eyes closed in ord...
培养觉知·生起智慧 Developing Aw
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