
果报:出世间 The Result Is To Be B

1-3-5. THE RESULT IS TO BE BEYOND THE WORLD果报:出世间Let me emphasize with sincerity and insight that the Buddha teaches that whoever sees the Dhamma, sees Me. It means to see oneself, to see one's own mind, the Dhamma is oneself ! Seeing...
果报:出世间 The Result Is To Be B


Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-1. Taking a Shortcut 直取快捷方式  2-1-4. Developing Awareness In The Right Way Will Yield Results Within Three Years正确培养觉性,三年便能证果  It says in the scriptures that whoe...

无上的庇护 The Exalted Refuge

1-2-7. THE EXALTED REFUGE无上的庇护The Buddha teaches : ATTAHI ATTANO NATHO, self is the refuge of self. One cannot take others as a refuge. When you have all heard this, practice accordingly and don't stop at just being a person ; cultivate...
无上的庇护 The Exalted Refuge

教外之法门 Things Outside of Buddhi

2-1-1. Developing Awareness is The Path That the Buddha Teaches 培养觉性是佛陀教导的道路2-1-1-1. Things Outside of Buddhism 教外之法门  Making merit, being generous, keeping precepts and doing tranquility–meditation are a p...
教外之法门 Things Outside of Buddhi

果报:当下的天堂与涅槃 The Fr

1-3-3. THE FRUIT : HEAVEN AND NIBBANA IN THE PRESENT果报:当下的天堂与涅槃When talking about fruits and results, we tend to think about heaven and Nibbana. We tend to think that someone who does good, must go to heaven and someone who does...
果报:当下的天堂与涅槃 The Fr

断烦恼执着的阶位:二禅 The st

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段  2-3-4. WORKING WITH THE MIND第二阶段:对治自心修习阶段 (或看念头(心)修习阶段)  2-3-4-2. The stage of destroying clinging : the second Jhana 断...
断烦恼执着的阶位:二禅 The st

教外之教导 Teachings Outside of Bud

2-1-1-3. Teachings Outside of Buddhism 教外之教导...
教外之教导 Teachings Outside of Bud

教内之法门 Things Inside of Buddhis

2-1-1-2. Things Inside of Buddhism 教内之法门So the prince gave up those methods and started to eat fruit. Because of this, the five disciples avoided and eventually left him; so he practiced by himself. Having eaten some rice offered by Miss Su...
教内之法门 Things Inside of Buddhis

教内之教导 The Teachings inside Bud

2-1-1-4. The Teachings inside Buddhism 教内之教导The word VIPASSANA translates as realizing and truly seeing. Seeing what? Seeing impermanence, instability and non-selfhood. When having insight, one views things differently than before. It is a ...
教内之教导 The Teachings inside Bud

总结平静之道 Summary

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-2. The Path of Peace 平静之道  2-2-2. Summary 总结平静之道  Once more, I'll summarize the principles of practice in short:  我要再次将修行的原理做个简短的总结: ...
总结平静之道 Summary
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